My interpretation of a boarded shop in Vancouver, 2020 - Acrylic and Vinyl on Canvas - 30” x 24”

As we face the challenges of a rapidly urbanising world, we must acknowledge that our resources are finite and must be protected. Our city streets are more than just physical spaces but are inhabited by people - and we must prioritize the most vulnerable among us before future pandemics and disasters occur. The issues we face today are a wake-up call that our society has become too focused on individualistic needs, resulting in a lack of empathy and a disregard for those in need.

My painting aims to shed light on these issues, highlighting themes of consumption, waste, imbalance, homelessness, and the healthcare crisis. The Covid pandemic has made it painfully clear that those most affected are often the most marginalized and neglected in our society. Through my art, I hope to inspire a shift towards a more compassionate and equitable world, where we can coexist in harmony with each other and the environment.